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BattleForge Community Update - 19/12/08 Community Watch #10

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  • BattleForge Community Update - 19/12/08 Community Watch #10

    EA Phenomic has sent us another and final community update for 2008. Today is another update on the various BattleForge communities. Check it out:

    A long and eventful year is now almost behind us. In 2008, we announced that we're developing BattleForge and launched the new website and forum with Community Watches, fansite kits, and many more features. We also introduced BattleForge at many special events, like the Games Convention, Ring*Con or GC Asia, and 2008 finally culminated in the launch of the public beta for BattleForge, which is still underway. If you don't have access to the beta yet, no problem: for example, you can simply pre-order BattleForge from the EA Store, and you'll get instant access to the beta as well as four special cards as a bonus.

    Of course, a lot has happened in the past two weeks, too. For example, we've released a new patch on our beta servers, which has not only fixed many glitches, but also added new cards to the game. You can read the patch notes here.

    In other community news, 4players has just launched their extraordinarily stylish new german fansite this week, BattleForge Source, where you can find everything related to the game, ranging from news and articles to downloads and a fan forum.

    By the way: The French gaming site is currently giving away beta keys, so those of you who speak French should head over there to get access to the beta now.

    We also have some very interesting news for our Polish-speaking friends, as the site has recently started a storyline contest, where YOU can send in a storyline for certain cards in BattleForge, which we will then add to the game in one of the coming content patches. This kind of contest will be held in other regions and languages as well in the future!

    And that's it for this year's last Community Watch. We wish you relaxing and peaceful holidays and a happy New Year!

    For more updates on Battleforge check out the related news at TGN here.