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BattleGroup-Frontlines Mod Update #58

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  • BattleGroup-Frontlines Mod Update #58

    The BattleGroup-Frontlines mod team is back today to announce that they are already working on a new patch. Take a look:
    Hello, and welcome to our 58th BGF update! The first release is done and we thank everybody who has already downloaded and played the mod. In case you have not yet downloaded the mod here are some mirrors to catch up the download. Many players are waiting to get shot by you on the full servers of the eastern front.

    But now back to Business! We are pleased to announce that we are already working on a new version which will be released as a patch and will still cover the eastern front. It includes new famous vehicles, new exiting and varied maps, a lot of bugfixes and a new army. Be patient, first infos will come soon!

    Now to another topic. BGF is nominated for Mod of the Year 2007 at If you want to support us please VOTE for us! Your vote will help making the mod better known in the world. You can vote for us here:

    To check out the rest of this update, which also asks for some help from the community, click here.

  • #2
    A new army, me like

