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BaseRaping or spawn killing?

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  • BaseRaping or spawn killing?

    is it base raping or spawn killing when you run into a UCB and put land mines under all the vehicles you can, basically being a sabotaging their equipment?

  • #2
    Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

    a bit of both

    spawn killing is when you come to their spawn point and wait for them to spawn so you could kill them

    base raping is when you come to their uncap and destroy their stuff or w\e

    most servers only allow spec ops in uncaps


    • #3
      Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

      servers that dont allow baserape/spawn camping ar retarded.


      • #4
        Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

        Originally posted by Monkmonkman
        servers that dont allow baserape/spawn camping ar retarded.


        • #5
          Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

          Originally posted by Monkmonkman
          servers that dont allow baserape/spawn camping ar retarded.

          no they just want a different type of playstyle not that they cant handle it they just dont feel like it.


          • #6
            Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

            Originally posted by Monkmonkman
            servers that dont allow baserape/spawn camping ar retarded.
            Quoted for truth.


            • #7
              Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

              I love people who take the moral high ground on base and spawn rape, complain when it happens to them, but when given the chance rape away :laugh:


              • #8
                Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

                Originally posted by Monkmonkman
                servers that dont allow baserape/spawn camping ar retarded.
                whiy is that???

                because thats the only way you can get enough points?


                • #9
                  Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

                  i see nothing wrong with it the point is to win the game


                  • #10
                    Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

                    i could usually care less about that, as well what i think is really stupid are people who complain about using the game to its fullest, for example people who put c4 on buggies and then jump out are great IMHO, its something that could realistically happen, i don't see how its a "exploit" similar to people who complain about grenade spammers, (and i hate grenade spams) its completely within reasonable grasp to fight back

                    whats i like about this game is that you can be creative, and if you take that away the game looses alot of its charm


                    • #11
                      Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

                      Originally posted by Ottobon
                      whats i like about this game is that you can be creative, and if you take that away the game looses alot of its charm


                      • #12
                        Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

                        Spawning people is bad , since there is no fun in it , everyone hates being at the reciecing end , base raping with the heli is ok though cause its realistic, spawning is not

                        anyone who has ever played CSS know that pain that spawn killers are when you playing in a non deathmatch server ( which 90% are )

                        I think Dice/EA should not credit kills that are within the first 5 seconds after a person spawns


                        • #13
                          Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

                          base rape is basically attacking an enemy base but not capping it or if its uncappable...i think this is ok.....i love it when its my base being raped....cuz the action is right where i spawn at, no need to run or drive to combat....

                          spawnkilling is killing people as they spawn....not giving them a chance to move or do spawnkill, u have to know exactly where a spawn point is, and wait there for someone to apear....then take them out instantly.....its lame


                          • #14
                            Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

                            Originally posted by mrkidkill
                            is it base raping or spawn killing when you run into a UCB and put land mines under all the vehicles you can, basically being a sabotaging their equipment?
                            I would call it

                            Spawn at your squadleader! If you dont liked to be camped


                            • #15
                              Re: BaseRaping or spawn killing?

                              I got kicked for spwan killing once I think it is very hard to judge. I mean u could be protecting infantry advancing to your position near a flag and make them a clear passage ( that is what I was kicked for ). It is war, a war simulation if u prefer, when i get killed almost instantly after spawning i just choose another darn flag and got to the place with a vehicule or somethin....

                              P.S. Servers from Quebec are sooooo controlling, admin are always kicking for this or that depending on what they judge happen. SO ! unfair. Im from montreal and I dont go on local server anymore. Imagine, getting kicked for not waiting my turn for plane. We were 4 soldiers running in bunch for the plane and the admin sat first in the pilot seat and i sat at gunner/bomber seat , apparently i took his mate place and got kicked.....Do they have instant replay to see who was there first....?

                              Admin abuse sucks.

