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j10 Pwnage ^^

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  • j10 Pwnage ^^

    well i entered a contets( i wnet ot my net café tuesday night) its called iGUK, and all net café in britian go on serv.. kill and stuff.. and the points totaled go to wards a darw eg - i got 15 points, my name gets entered 15 times! was dalian plant....64.. i thought i will do MY best( sadly unranked T.T) so before the game was LIVE( points started counting ) i got in a J10 and began whoring 10-5... that was a warm up......whe nit was live 17-0 and my friend got pissed aobtu it( he went with me).. soem n00b kept gettign in the way of his jet wehn he took off anf FF is on, i kept fly by on carrier.. cshootign all i nsight... and half way bout 10 kills, staff came over and said, we just got told on IRC that you are baseraping.. stop it.. wewll i let the jets get half way out to sea, and the only baserape i did was shoot the uss essex as it kept shootign us down.. oh it was fun... sadly i didnt get the money !_! but it RAWKED, best i ever did i na jet, then afetr i wnated to cap soem flags.. so i got i na heli.... got up to 23( and in between this i got told i was on the wrong team... the guys kept flaming that i was a poor player, when i switched, they said i rocked!!......thne i baseraped china.. i got in heli felw into there base.. hid behind the hanger and behind the fence and sniped ^^ it were proper fun liek :P

  • #2
    Re: j10 Pwnage ^^

    Are you drunk or just illiterate? Is it that hard to spell simple words like 'Then' ?


    • #3
      Re: j10 Pwnage ^^

      Originally posted by Muffins
      Are you drunk or just illiterate? Is it that hard to spell simple words like 'Then' ?
      yeah some grammatr nazis would be nice right now,i barely understood it.


      • #4
        Re: j10 Pwnage ^^


        a) You cant spell for ****. Dont go to internet cafes, and instead take a class at your local college.
        b) Get off the booze, if the above is not true
        c) 17 and 0 is awful if you are in a J10.


        • #5
          Re: j10 Pwnage ^^

          whoring isnt cool, admitting it is even worse.


          • #6
            Re: j10 Pwnage ^^


            • #7
              Re: j10 Pwnage ^^

              Is it that hard to make a post that is understandable?


              • #8
                Re: j10 Pwnage ^^

                17-0 isnt pwnage dude? 60-0 in the j-10 is pwnage,


                Is it that hard to make a post that is understandable?

                i understood this fine but i also have a drinking


                • #9
                  Re: j10 Pwnage ^^

                  I need a decoder ring or something to understand this crap....

