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Player skinning

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  • Player skinning

    I'm totally new to skinning and such and I want to make player skins for my mod. Can someone start me out by introducing me what programs I need and how I use them?

    Thanks for the help!

  • #2
    Re: Player skinning

    Your going to need photoshop if you want to skin and another helpful program would be the Irfran viewer witch you can get here
    And the .dds plugin for it witch is here so you can view textures easily. And if you don't have photoshop you can crack it not like im telling you to or anything


    • #3
      Re: Player skinning

      Alright thanks. So the .dds plugin is so I can import the skins already created in BF2 and modify them?

      Oh and I already have Photoshop CS2. :P


      • #4
        Re: Player skinning

        O woops sorry i gave you the Irfran viewer plugin to see dds leme get the photoshop one.And yah you can edit them modify them do whatever


        • #5
          Re: Player skinning

          Sweet thanks!


          • #6
            Re: Player skinning

            Just make sure you check your Alpha channels before changing anything once you have the file in PS.

            If you have an Alpha channel you will need to save in DXT5 mode.

            If no Alpha {All white or black} just save as DXT1 {No Alpha]

            The Alpha channel dictates what has a "shiny" look ingame.

            When you open your file in Photoshop, you will see 3 windows open on the right hand side of the window.
            The lowest window will have a tab called "Layers" active, the next tab along is "Channels". Click on this Channels tab and look at the botton image - it is the Alpha channel.
            All your skins for the soldiers should be only DXT1{No Alhpa} this means that they should all be white.
            If you skin the kits becareful as some are saved in DXT5 {With Alpha channels}

