Warhammer Chaosbane Dwarf Slayer

The first of four playable characters was given a reveal trailer today for Warhammer: Chaosbane. The character is a dwarf and they are a Slayer. I wanted to clear that up because the headline reads that the character is a slayer of dwarfs and that's just not right.

Their name is Bragi Axebiter and they have taken up the oath of the Slayer. Having taken up this oath, he vows to cleanse his honor by dying in combat against a formidable adversary. Warhammer: Chaosbane is slated to be released on the PS4, XB1, and PC starting June 4. Those who get the more expensive Magnus Edition can play starting May 31.

This exceptional warrior is always searching for the most powerful enemies so that he can “finally” honour his oath. An expert in hand-to-hand combat, Bragi benefits from a high degree of mobility which allows him to launch into the heart of a melee in order to eliminate a particular target.

This ease of movement is augmented by the dwarf’s unique ability: he can throw his axe and launch himself at whatever it’s stuck in, whether that’s a wall or a Nurgling, using the controller’s right joystick or holding down the space bar to target. Then he can rain down blows upon his target before jumping to the next enemy. In cooperative, he’s the perfect character for eliminating a dangerous enemy who’s far from the melee while his teammates take care of the front line.
Bigben and Games Workshop also briefly talk about another unique game mechanic: Bloodlust. This meter is collectively built up by all four players. Once full, the player can "unleash their rage and activate new, ultra-powerful skills." The Slayer allows Axebiter to access unique skill trees of powerful spells.